RLC Waste Water Treatment Plant Emergency Response Scenario 2018
Practicing your emergency plan just makes good sense. By law you have to practice your plan under the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017. Annual testing ensures that processes and actions undertaken by staff in the event of an emergency are practicable and effective.
Last week two of our staff had the pleasure of facilitating the Rotorua Lakes Councils’ Waste Water Treatment Plant emergency response annual practice for the 40,000L of ethanol used on site. The activity included ethanol hazards and relevant case studies regarding flammable liquid explosions that have occurred around the world such as the Buncefield incident and the Port Kembla incident where significant damage was caused as a result of flammable liquid fires and explosion. The scenario included a hypothetical loss of containment of ethanol.
A debrief was conducted after the event. The workers at WWTP made some fantastic observations and suggestions for improvement in regards to their procedures.
If you would like a similar emergency scenario at your place of work, contact us:
training@qec.co.nz or on 07 827 0075